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GameOnDev:Mac is the macOS equivalent to GameOn Developer Toolkit and is currently in Alpha for registered GameOn Developers. GameOnDev:Mac gives developers on macOS Yosemite and newer the ability to create great GameOn Extensions for GameOn on Windows 10 using the GameOn libraries for Code LX 6.1 (Siena).
Unfortunately, no. GameOn:Mac currently does not support GameOn Extensions. The GameOn Extensions platform is available on GameOn builds for Windows 10 (64-bit) only. GameOn Extensions may come to GameOn:Mac in the future.
GameOnDev:Mac can be downloaded directly from the GameOn Developer Dashboard. It currently supports English and runs on macOS Yosemite (10.10) or newer. GameOnDev:Mac may be made available for download to non-registered developers, similarly to GameOn Developer Toolkit for Windows in the future.