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[.NET] Build and Compile Your Web App

Ryan Walpole edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Build and Compile Your Web-App

With Moxo QuickWeb Studio for .NET, you will have to build and compile your application yourself using Visual Studio. This is because the target for .NET creates a Visual Studio Project that can be further customised and edited with custom code. You can, without making any changes to your code, build and compile your application immediately.


Building the application for testing

  1. Open your newly generated project in Visual Studio. You may need to unzip your project files before you can open the project. The project should be named "moxo.web.UI.sln".

  2. Once you are in your project, use the Build menu and select Build Moxo Web UI. If you've changed the name of your project, this will display your new project name instead of "Build Moxo Web UI". Refer to the screenshot below if you need help:


  1. Once you have clicked build, Visual Studio's Output panel will open to display the status of your build. On competent hardware, this process should take less than 30 seconds to complete. Once complete, you will see output text similar to the following:


The second last line of your Output console should also state the location of your newly built application. You can navigate to the folder to see all required output files as well as the Windows executable that launches your application.


Building the application for release

  1. Open your newly generated project in Visual Studio. You may need to unzip your project files before you can open the project. The project should be named "moxo.web.UI.sln".

  2. Once you are in your project, use the Solution Configurations dropdown box to select Release for your build target.


  1. Once you have selected Release as your build target, use the Build menu and select Build Moxo Web UI. If you've changed the name of your project, this will display your new project name instead of "Build Moxo Web UI". Refer to the screenshot below if you need help:


  1. Once you have clicked build, Visual Studio's Output panel will open to display the status of your build. On competent hardware, this process should take less than 30 seconds to complete. Once complete, you will see output text similar to the following:


The second last line of your Output console should also state the location of your newly built application. You can navigate to the folder to see all required output files as well as the Windows executable that launches your application.


Moxo QuickWeb

QuickWeb for dotLX allows you to run your existing web-app on Windows, natively, using the next generation of the Code LX Programming Language: dotLX. Learn More

QuickWeb for .NET allows you to turn your existing web-app into a native .NET Windows app that can be further extended and edited using C#, .NET Framework and Visual Studio. Learn More

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