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[.NET] Creating a New Project [Customisation Options]

Ryan Walpole edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Creating a New Project - Customisation Options

When creating a new project in Moxo QuickWeb Studio, you have the ability to set certain options for your application. These customisation options are explained in detail, here on this page.

App URL: The App URL textbox field is responsible for customising the URL that the application will target. This URL should be the destination of the web-application that you wish to turn into a Windows application.

Window Height: The height of the window that will open (measured in pixels). For example, if your web app is specifically designed to be viewed like a mobile app, you would want the window height to reflect that of a mobile phone, tall and skinny. You might have the height set to 1600 and the width of the window to 800, for example.

Window Width: The width of the window that will open (measured in pixels). For example, if your web app is specifically designed to be viewed in widescreen, you may want to ensure that the window is 1600 pixels wide and 900 pixels high, for widescreen.

Default Values

There is no visible default value for these options, however, if the user does attempt to create an application leaving these fields blank, the following values will be applied automatically:

Value Fallback Value
Window Height 800px
Window Width 800px

Moxo QuickWeb

QuickWeb for dotLX allows you to run your existing web-app on Windows, natively, using the next generation of the Code LX Programming Language: dotLX. Learn More

QuickWeb for .NET allows you to turn your existing web-app into a native .NET Windows app that can be further extended and edited using C#, .NET Framework and Visual Studio. Learn More

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