This changelog applies to:
RyTek3 Software Development Kit
RyTek3 Framework for Windows
Version 3.1901 Highlights


  • This update contains a security patch that fixes several new vulnerabilities in the software. While this software is past its end of life support, we are committed to keeping our users and their computers safe. We would like to take this opportunity to remind users of RyTek 3 software that they should seek alternative platforms for future software development. If you use a software product that is powered by RyTek, consider moving to a different software that is being updated/using a more modern framework.


  • Changes have been made to the version number.
    • As there are multiple versions of the RyTek Framework, we will continue to use the version of RyTek in the version number. Version numbers for this product have been changed to reflect the new versioning system used in all RWE products since November of 2018. The first number of the version is the version of the product (3 = RyTek 3). The trailing numbers are the year number (e.g. 2019 = 19) and the version number (for example, version 1 of 2019 for the RyTek 3 product would be 3.1901 (That’s this update!).