Icon Class (Moxo.UWP)



Every app has an icon or a logo that represents it and that will appear in many locations when using Windows. For a Moxo UWP app, you will be asked to provide icons in multiple sizes for multiple different areas of the Windows experience. You can then extend the sizes and scaling afterwards in Visual Studio for a more clean experience.

Some places your icon or logo may be seen include:

  • The app list within the start menu,
  • The start menu tiles area.
  • The desktop.
  • The taskbar and task manager.
  • Your application’s splash screen.
  • Within the Microsoft store.


Icon Name Appears In Asset File Name Asset Size (px)
Small tile Start Menu SmallTile.png 71 x 71
Medium tile Start Menu, Microsoft Store listing* Square150x150Logo.png 150 x 150
Wide tile Start Menu Wide310x150Logo.png 310 x 150
Large tile Start Menu, Microsoft Store listing* LargeTile.png 310 x 310
App icon App list in start menu, task bar, task manager Square44x44Logo.png 44 x 44
Splash screen The app’s splash screen SplashScreen.png 1240 x 600
Badge logo Your app’s tiles BadgeLogo.png
Package logo/Store logo App installer, Partner Centre, the “Report an app” and “Write a review” options in the Microsoft Store StoreLogo.png 300 x 300

Supplying Icons that are DPI friendly:

To ensure that your icons look sharp on any display, you can create multiple “scaled” versions of each icon. We recommend you create a version of each icon at the following scaling factors: 100, 125, 150, 200 and 400 percent.

You can do this inside of Visual Studio after Moxo has built your project or by using a third party solution to create UWP Visual Assets.

