This changelog applies to:
Cathedral College for Android
Version 191 Highlights

What’s New:

  • Users can now open PDF links and view forms using their installed PDF viewer.
  • Users can now tap on email address links to start a new email.



  • The app now sports a more modern 2019 app design, removing the buttons.
  • The app will now prompt the user if they wish to exit when they tap the back button and there is no previous web navigation.


Bug Fixes:

  • Minor bugs pertaining to HTTPS loading have been fixed.



  • Changes have been made to the version number.
    • Version numbers for this product have been changed to a YY/V format. The first two numbers are the year number (e.g. 2019 = 19). The third number is the version number (for example, version 1 of 2019 would be 191.) This is an adjustment that will be made to all CCW apps including that of other platforms.